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Weathertop Farm

mates of weathertop
mates on adventure

Meet Troy and Paul– two longtime friends who share a deep appreciation for the environment and sustainable farming practices. Our vision for Weathertop Farm is to provide a space for guests to unwind, connect with nature, and learn about sustainable farming. We have worked tirelessly to build eco-friendly accommodation that compliments the stunning natural surroundings of the farm.

Our partners thought us mad, but we convinced them that we could make it work, and lucky we did!

Purchased 2019


Our Journey

A Vision in Practice

Our journey at Weathertop Farm began with a vision to restore a farm in disrepair and create an eco-friendly space to share with like-minded individuals. Troy and Paul devoted countless hours to cleaning up the land, rebuilding the old farm house, and tending to the flocks of wiltipol sheep that graze our pastures. It has been an amazing experience to see the transformation from a rundown farm to a thriving ecosystem.

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